Plot: 6
Characters: 6
Sex: 6
I was not impressed with this one. A Japanese youth goes to a guy's mansion to take care of his horses (for reasons TOO ridiculous to be stated here) and the wealthy guy falls for him. Unfortunately, when the uke is in the house he tends to accidentally break priceless vases. For every artifact broken, the seme inflicts some sort of ass-related punishment. This starts with spankings and goes alllll the way. To all the way. You know.
The art I disliked, especially in the sex scenes. It always looked awkward and inelegant. The plot is obviously bad, the characters flat and just plain weird, and the sex worse.
The only good thing that came out of this was one priceless line:
"If you get lost in these woods, you won't find your way back. There's a weak magnetic field here that makes it very dangerous."
Overall, 24/40.
Recommendation: If you think that plot sounds entertaining.
I remember hearing this was one of Yuzuha Ougi's earlier books. It may be just because she was just beginning to publish manga. So I understood that and enjoyed what I could. Still everyone has their own view of it.