Plot: 5
Characters: 6
Sex: 7
All right, so I'm biased on this one because I've seen the anime. Fortunately, the manga is almost exactly the same as the anime. It centers on a young manga artist, Seiji, who falls in love with an older - but younger looking - erotic manga artist named Sono. There is very little dialogue between sex scenes, and even those aren't all that innovative. There's very little actual substance to this manga.
The art is sub-par, which is sad because it's actually decent in the anime. I'm not fond of this art style, so it gets a low score.
The plot is an absolute abomination. In fact, it would be more appropriate to say that there's no plot worth mentioning. Boy meets girl, boy notices that girl is very effeminate guy - they don't even milk this idea for what it's usually worth - and they have sex. And then they have a short conversation, and then sex again. This repeats five or six times, with a disappointingly bland scene for the finale.
The characters might have almost salvaged the plot, but they are so shallow and uninteresting that they do more harm than good.
The sex scenes are all right. They aren't particularly drawn-out or creative.
All in all, 24/40.
Recommendation: Don't read it, get the anime instead. At least the anime's good for a few laughs.
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